Theme Leader :
Kae Ito, M.D., Ph.D.
Researcher :
Shuji Tsuda, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., Kazunori Kikuchi, C.S.W., M.A.
Adjunct Researcher :
Mayuko Ono, M.A., Ayumi Hida, M.D., Ph.D., Attorney at Law., Yan Zi, Ph.D.
Social Inclusion, Health Equity, Dementia Care in the Community, Clinical Ethics, Advocacy, Multidisciplinary Care, Social Work, Well-being, End of life
Our research focuses on older adults who face complex and challenging circumstances that often lead to social marginalization. Our mission is to provide solutions for the community support system to support the diverse needs of these individuals. Through a series of research projects in our lab, we explore the perceptions and behaviors of older adults that may impede their access to support, as well as the factors that will enable community support systems to effectively meet their needs.
1. Studies on the psychosocial health of community-dwelling older adults living in complex and difficult situations
1-1 Older adults with high psychological resistance to receiving support
Some older adults are unconnected from social resources that are objectively considered necessary. This can be due to various factors, such as poor access to information, lack of networks to facilitate usage of social resources, and socioeconomic factors. We focus on psychological resistance to receiving support, which is considered to be one of the factors that hinder the use of necessary social resources.
Social health of older men who live with dementia who have limited human relationships in the community
Support for community-dwelling older adults to realize a life that is true to themselves until the end of their lives
Strong sense of independence among self-reliant older Japanese adults
1-2 Psychological health of older adults
The following two studies focus on the relationship between the psychological health and identity of older adults. Erikson (1980) recognized integrity as a component of psychosocial development in old age and hopelessness and loneliness as indicators of a psychosocial crisis. Since his Theory of Psychosocial Development was published in the middle of the 20th century, both life expectancy and healthy life expectancy have increased dramatically.
Nonetheless, in old age, neither illness and disability nor death can be avoided. When considering the psychological health of older adults, we believe it is necessary to accumulate knowledge about the identity of today's older adults, who live to an extended age while coping with physical and cognitive declines.
Age identity and future time perspectives
Gratitude in older adults
2. Studies on community support systems for older adults with diverse and complex care needs
2-1 Education and support for healthcare professionals involved in community-based dementia support systems
The report published by the Alzheimer's Disease International in 2022 begins with the sentence, "We should not encourage people to have a diagnosis if post-diagnostic support is not available." Timely provision of appropriate post-diagnosis support is a key challenge in dementia care. In the following projects, we will propose updated roles of healthcare professionals in community-based dementia care, and effective systems for providing post-diagnosis support that realizes the full potential of each professional.
Community-based post-diagnosis support for dementia
Study on adult guardianship systems
2-2 Community-dwelling older adults with complex support needs
Although responding to the needs for support of older adults living in complex and difficult situations is a significant challenge in community-based comprehensive support systems, there has been a lack of systematic research in this area. Healthcare professionals may refer to older adults living in complex and difficult situations as "difficult cases" when they find it challenging to provide support based on their own perspectives. The perceived difficulty in providing support often depends on the healthcare professional's level of experience and expertise. However, defining such cases solely from the healthcare professional's perspective may result in the provision of only those services that are easy for them to offer. Redefining the phrase from the perspective of the older adults and conducting studies on how to accommodate their needs and improve their well-being is essential.
Study on outreach support systems for older adults with dementia and other illnesses who live in complex and difficult situations
Study on older adults with dementia who go missing