

テーマリーダー 研究部長 平田 匠
研究員 涌井 智子、光武 誠吾、増井 幸恵、吉田 祐子
プロジェクト研究員 藤原 聡子
非常勤研究員 大野 昂紀、矢野 翔平


要介護高齢者、医療保険制度、介護保険制度、介護と医療、介護者の介護意識、移行期ケア(transitional care)、ケアの継続性・包括性の確保、保健事業、重症化予防


  1. 要援護・要介護高齢者とその家族の保健・福祉的課題に対する支援策の検討
  2. 医療介護レセプトデータベースを用いた地域包括ケアの現状と対応策の検討
  3. 地域疫学研究や公的データベース等を用いた高齢者医療・保健のあり方の検討


  1. 要介護・要支援高齢者や地域での見守りが必要な要援護高齢者、並びにその家族が抱える保健・福祉的課題と課題発生の要因・機序を解明し、課題の改善に向けた制度・政策、行政、専門職、地域住民等の各層における支援策・支援プログラムの検討・提言を目的とします
  2. 医療介護レセプトデータベースと自治体の介護ニーズ調査等の分析を通じて、地域包括ケアシステムの導入に係る課題とその対応策を明らかにすることを目的とします。
  3. 地域疫学研究や公的データベース等の分析を通して、健康寿命の延伸に資する高齢者医療や高齢者保健のあり方に関する検討を生活習慣病重症化予防やフレイル予防の観点から行います。併せて、高齢者が健康でかつ自立して生活することができるための持続可能な保健医療施策の提言を目指します。


  1. Fujihara S, Tsuji T, Nakagomi A, Miyaguni Y, Hanazato M, Muto G, Kondo K. Association of community-level social capital with dementia: A multilevel nine-year longitudinal study using data from the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study. Social Science & Medicine. 2023; 338: 116316.
  2. Yoshida Y, Ishizaki T, Masui Y, Hori N, Inagak H, Ito K, Ogawa M, Yasumoto S, Arai Y, Kamide K, Ikebe K, Gondo Y. Effect of number of medications on the risk of falls among community-dwelling older adults: a 3-year follow up study of the SONIC study. Geriatr Gerontol. 2024; 24: 306-310.
  3. Mitsutake S, Sa Z, Long J, Braithwaite J, Levesque J F, Watson D, Mitchell R. The role of frailty risk for fracture-related hospital readmission and mortality after a hip fracture, Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2023; 117: 105264.
  4. Mitsutake S, Ishizaki T, Yano S, Tsuchiya-Ito R, Uda K, Toba K, Ito H. All-cause readmission or potentially avoidable readmission: Which is more predictable using frailty, comorbidities and ADL?. Innov Aging 2023. 7(5), igad043.
  5. Mitsutake S, Yano S, Ishizaki T, Furuta K, Hatakeyama A, Sugiyama M, Awata S, Ito H, Toba K, Association of functional and cognitive impairment severity with discharge to long-term care facilities in older patients admitted to a general acute care hospital from home, Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2023; 115: 105111.
  6. Mitsutake S, Ishizaki T, Edahiro A, Kitamura A, Hirata T, Saito A. The effects of dental visits on the occurrence of acute hospitalization for systemic diseases among patients aged 75 years or older: A propensity score-matched study, Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2023, 107, 104876.
  7. Mitsutake S, Ishizaki T, Tsuchiya-Ito R, Uda K, Jinnouchi H, Ueshima H, Matsuda T, Yoshie S, Iijima K, Tamiya N. The effects of early post-discharge rehabilitation services on care-needs level deterioration in older adults with functional impairment: A propensity score-matched study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2022, 103(9), 1715-1722.e1
  8. Yoshida Y, Iwasa H, Kim H, Suzuki T. Association between Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio and Physical Function in Older Adults: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study in Japan. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Jul 24;19(15):8996.
  9. Yoshida Y, Ishizaki T, Masui Y, Arai Y, Inagaki H, Ogawa M, Yasumoto S, Iwasa H, Kamide K, Rakugi H, Ikebe K, Gondo Y. Association of personality traits with polypharmacy among community-dwelling older adults in Japan: a cross-sectional analysis of data from the SONIC study. BMC Geriatr. 2022;22(1):372.
  10. Mitsutake S, Ishizaki T, Yano S, Tsuchiya-Ito R, Jin X, Watanabe T, Uda K, Livingstone I, Tamiya N., Characteristics associated with hospitalization within30 days of geriatric intermediate care facility admission. Geriatr. Gerontol. Int. 2021;21: 1010-1017.
  11. Yoshida Y, Iwasa H, Ishioka Y, Suzukamo Y. Leisure activity moderates the relationship between living alone and mental health among Japanese older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2021; 21: 421-425.
  12. Mitsutake S, Ishizaki T, Tsuchiya-Ito R, Furuta K, Hatakeyama A, Sugiyama M, Toba K, Ito H. Association of Cognitive Impairment Severity with Potentially Avoidable Readmissions: A Retrospective Cohort Study of 8,897 Older Patients. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring 2021. 13(1): e12147.
  13. Yaegashi A, Kimura T, Hirata T (Corresponding Author), Ukawa S, Nakamura K, Okada E, Nakagawa T, Imae A, Tamakoshi A. Association between protein intake and skeletal muscle mass among community-dwelling older Japanese: the DOSANCO Health Study. Nutrients 2021; 13(1): 187.
  14. Hirata T, Arai Y, Yuasa S, Abe Y, Takayama M, Sasaki T, Kunitomi A, Inagaki H, Endo M, Morinaga J, Yoshimura K, Adachi T, Oike Y, Takebayashi T, Okano H, Hirose N. Associations of cardiovascular biomarkers and plasma albumin with exceptional survival to the highest ages. Nat Commun 2020; 11: 3820.
  15. Mitsutake S, Ishizaki T, Tsuchiya-Ito R, Uda K, Teramoto C, Shimizu S, Ito H. Associations of hospital discharge services with potentially avoidable readmissions within 30 days among older adults after rehabilitation in acute care hospitals in Tokyo, Japan. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2020; 101(5): 832-840.
  16. 増井幸恵,権藤恭之,中川 威,小川まどか,石岡良子,稲垣宏樹,蔡羽 淳,安元佐織,栗延孟,小野口航,髙山緑,新井康通,池邉一典,神出計,石崎達郎:地域高齢者の精神的健康の縦断変化に及ぼす老年的超越の影響の検討:疾患罹患・死別イベントに対する緩衝効果に注目して.老年社会科学,41(3):247-258,2019.
  17. Mitsutake S, Ishizaki T, Tsuchiya-Ito R, Teramoto C, Shimizu S, Yamaoka T, Kitamura A, Ito H. Association of pharmacological treatments for hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia with health checkup participation and identification of disease control factors among older adults in Tokyo, Japan. Preventive Medicine Reports 2019; 23: 17: 101033.
  18. Mitsutake S, Ishizaki T, Tsuchiya-Ito R, Uda K, Teramoto C, Shimizu S, Ito H. Associations of hospital discharge services with potentially avoidable readmissions within 30 days among older adults after rehabilitation in acute care hospitals in Tokyo, Japan. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2020; 101: 5: 832-840.
  19. Mitsutake S, Ishizaki T, Teramoto C, Shimizu S, Ito H. Patterns of multimorbidity among 1.3 million older adults in Japan: Analyzing associations with the co-occurrence of three or more chronic diseases. Preventing Chronic Disease 2019; 16: 180170.


  1. 増井幸恵:超高齢者における「老年的超越」,日本医師雑誌,152(7),2023.10.(総説・査読なし)
  2. 涌井智子. (2022). 特集「認知症とともに一人で暮らせる社会環境の創出に向けて」認知症の独居高齢者の家族支援を考える. 老年精神医学雑誌, 33, 276-281, 2022.
  3. 涌井智子. 【一人暮らしの認知症高齢者】国民生活基礎調査からみる独居高齢者のケアの実態と今後への示唆. 老年精神医学雑誌. 31(5), 467-473, 2020.
  4. 涌井智子. 多様化する家族介護の現状と今後の介護を支えるシステムについて考える. 老年社会科学. 40(3), 301-307, 2018.