- サルコペニア肥満改善のためのRCT介入研究
- フレイル改善のための包括的介入研究
- サルコペニア改善のための包括的研究
- 尿失禁改善のためのRCT介入研究
- 転倒予防のためのRCT介入研究
- 膝伸展力とIADLとの関連性についての研究

図1 3ヶ月介入による変化量の群内比較
2009年度2010年度お達者健診参加者1,835名の中から、「体重減少、筋力低下、歩行速度低下、疲労、活動量の減少」の5つの選定基準の中、3つ以上該当した場合をフレイルと操作的に定義し、該当者331名(18.0%)を選定しました。331名に対して、フレイル改善教室参加者を募集したところ参加希望131名、不参加200名でした。介入参加者131名をRCTにより運動+栄養33名、運動+Placebo33名、栄養32名、Placebo33名に配置し、3ヶ月間の運動指導、栄養補充の介入を実施しました。介入終了4か月後の追跡調査を実施し、介入プログラムの長期効果を検証しました。その結果、運動に栄養補充を加えることで、フレイル高齢者の骨格筋量の増大、体力の向上のみならずフレイル解消効果を検証しました(Fig. 2)。これらの結果は、地域在住フレイル高齢者の改善には運動と栄養補充による包括的指導がより有効であるとの知見を得ました。

Fig. 2 Reversal rates of frailty at post-intervention and follow-up
1)介入研究:2008年10月に実施しましたお達者健診参加者1,377名の中から、304人(22.1%)のサルコペニア高齢者を選定しました。介入参加希望者155名をRCTにより4群に分け、運動+アミノ酸38人、運動39人、アミノ酸39人、対照39人に割り付け、3ヶ月間の運動指導、アミノ酸補充の介入研究を実施しました。その結果、運動指導にアミノ酸補充を加えることによって、足の筋量の上昇、下肢筋力の増加効果を検証しました(Fig. 3)。

Fig. 3 Mean changes in leg muscle mass and knee extension strength after intervention

図4. 4年間の変化量の比較

図5. 転倒率の比較
2006年11月に70歳以上の地域在住高齢者957名を対象に包括的介護予防健診を行い、受診者の中から月1回以上尿漏れがある方を尿失禁者と定義し、290人(30.3%)を選定しました。尿失禁者の排尿機能改善を目的とした尿失禁改善教室参加者147名をRCTにより運動+温熱療法37人、運動37人、温熱療法37人、健康教育36人に分け、3ヵ月間の骨盤底筋群の強化と腹部脂肪減少を目的とした運動指導、蒸気温熱シートを腰部に貼る温熱療法指導を3ヶ月間実施しました。その結果、尿漏れの完治率は、温熱療法21.6%(腹圧性25.0%、切迫性13.3%、混合性30.3%)、運動34.3%(腹圧性53.8%、切迫性16.7%、混合性30.0%)、運動+温熱療法湯51.4%(腹圧性61.5%、切迫性50.0%、混合性40.0%)でした。これらの結果は、運動療法と温熱療法の併用指導は、尿失禁のタイプに関係なく、完治される可能性の高いことを検証しました(Fig. 6)。

Fig. 6 Comparisons of cure rates among stress, urge, and mixed urinary incontinence after intervention
- Azuma K, Osuka Y, Kojima N, Sasai H, Kim H, Inoue S. Association of vitamin K insufficiency as evaluated by serum undercarboxylated osteocalcin with frailty in community-dwelling older adults. Front Aging. 3:865178, 2022.
- Azuma K, Osuka Y, Kojima N, Sasai H, Kim H, Inoue S. Association of vitamin K insufficiency with cognitive dysfunction in community-dwelling older adults. Front Nutr. 8:811831, 2022.
- Imabayashi E, Ishii K, Toyohara J, Wagatsuma K, Sakata M, Tago T, Ishibashi K, Kojima N, Kohda N, Tokumaru AM, Kim H. Possibility of enlargement in left medial temporal areas against cerebral amyloid deposition observed during preclinical stage. Front Aging Neurosci. 14:847094, 2022.
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- Osuka Y, Kojima N, Nishihara K, Sasai H, Wakaba K, Tanaka K, Kim H. Β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate supplementation may not enhance additional effects of exercise on muscle quality in older women. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 54(4):543-550, 2022.
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- Kim H, Kojima N, Uchida R, Somekawa S, Inoue N, Kobayashi H, Osuka Y. The additive effects of exercise and essential amino acid on muscle mass and strength in community-dwelling older Japanese women with muscle mass decline, but not weakness and slowness: a randomized controlled and placebo trial. Aging Clin Exp Res. 33(7):1841-1852, 2021.
- Nakagawa H, Sasai H. Nursing students' practicums during the COVID-19 crisis and the effect on infection-prevention behavior in students: a mixed-method approach. Medicina (Kaunas). 57(12):1354, 2021.
- Okumatsu K, Osuka Y, Suzuki T, Kim M, Kojima N, Yoshida Y, Hirano H, Kim H. Urinary incontinence onset predictors in community-dwelling older women: a prospective cohort study. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 21: 178-184, 2021.
- Osuka Y, Kim H, Watanabe Y, Taniguchi Y, Kojima N, Seino S, Kawai H, Sakurai R, Inagaki H, Awata S, Shinkai S. A combined stepping and visual tracking task predicts cognitive decline in older adults better than gait or visual tracking tasks alone: a prospective study. Aging Clin Exp Res. 33(7):1865-1873, 2021.
- Osuka Y, Kojima N, Sasai H, Wakaba K, Miyauchi D, Tanaka K, Kim H. Effects of exercise and/or β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate supplementation on muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance in older women with low muscle mass: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 114(4):1371-1385, 2021.
- Kimura R, Tsujimura H, Tsuchiya M, Soga S, Ota N, Tanaka A, Kim H. Development of a cognitive function marker based on D-amino acid proportions using new chiral tandem LC-MS/MS systems. Sci Rep, 10(1): 804, 2020.
- Nakagawa H, Sasai H, Tanaka K. Physical fitness levels among colon cancer survivors with a stoma: a preliminary study. Medicina (Kaunas) 56(11): 601, 2020.
- Nakagawa H, Tanaka K, Sasai H, Nishizawa Y. Providing weight loss support to patients who are obese in preparation for colorectal cancer surgery to reduce surgical site infection risk: a mixed-methods study. Wound Manag Prev. 66(7):23-32, 2020.
- Nakata Y, Sasai H, Tsujimoto T, Hashimoto K, Kobayashi H. A single motivational lecture can promote modest weight loss: A randomized controlled trial. Obesity Facts 13(2): 267-278, 2020.
- Nemoto M, Sasai H, Yabushita N, Tsuchiya K, Hotta K, Fujita Y, Kim T, Tsujimoto T, Arai T, Tanaka K. A novel exercise for enhancing visuospatial ability in older adults with frailty: development, feasibility, and effectiveness. Geriatrics (Basel) 5(2): 29, 2020.
- Osuka Y, Kim H, Kawai H, Taniguchi Y, Yokoyama Y, Seino S, Obuchi S, Kitamura A, Shinkai S. Sarcoscore: a novel approach for assessing sarcopenia and functional disability in older adults. J Clin Med. 9: 692, 2020.
- Osuka Y, Kim H, Watanabe Y, Taniguchi Y, Kojima N, Seino S, Kawai H, Sakurai R, Inagaki H, Awata H, Shinkai S. A Stepping Trail Making Test as an indicator of cognitive impairment in older adults. J Clin Med. 9: 2835, 2020.
- Osuka Y, Kojima N, Sakurai R, Watanabe Y, Kim H. Reliability and construct validity of a novel motor-cognitive dual-task test: A Stepping Trail Making Test. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 20: 291-296. 2020.
- Osuka Y, Kojima N, Sasai H, Ohara Y, Watanabe Y, Hirano H, Kim H. Exercise types and the risk of developing cognitive decline in older women: A prospective study. J Alzheimers Dis. 77: 1733-1742, 2020.
- Osuka Y, Yamazaki M, Shoda J, Nagashima K, Jung S, Kadone H, Ochiai R, Osaki N, Katsuragi Y, Tanaka K. Effects of exercise with milk-fat globule membrane supplementation after 14 days of bed rest on the skeletal muscle-related parameters in young adults: a pilot study. Jpn J Aerospace Env Med. 56: 39-48, 2020.
- Kim H, Awata S, Watanabe Y, Kojima N, Osuka Y, Motokawa K, Sakuma N, Inagaki H, Edahiro A, Hosoi E, Won CW, Shinkai S. Cognitive frailty in community-dwelling older Japanese people: Prevalence and its association with falls. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 19(7):647-653, 2019.
- Kim H, Won CW, Kim M, Kojima N, Fujino K, Osuka Y, Hosoi E, Suzuki T. The effects of exercise and milk-fat globule membrane (MFGM) on walking parameters in community-dwelling elderly Japanese women with declines in walking ability: A randomized placebo controlled trial. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 83:106-113, 2019.
- Nakata Y, Sasai H, Tsujimoto T, Hashimoto K, Kobayashi H. Web-based intervention to promote weight-loss maintenance using an activity monitor: A randomized controlled trial. Prev Med Rep. 14:100839, 2019.
- Nishimura M, Sasai H, Nakata Y, Maeda S. Effects of vibrotactile feedback on sedentary behaviors in adults: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 16(23):4612, 2019.
- Osuka Y, Kojima N, Kim M, Won CW, Suzuki T, Kim H. Exercise type and activities of daily living disability in older women: An 8-year population-based cohort study. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 29(3):400-406, 2019.
- Osuka Y, Kojima N, Wakaba K, Miyauchi D, Tanaka K, Kim H. Effects of resistance training and/or beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate supplementation on muscle mass, muscle strength and physical performance in older women with reduced muscle mass: protocol for a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. BMJ Open. 9(2):e025723, 2019.
- Osuka Y, Kojima N, Yoshida Y, Kim M, Won CW, Suzuki T, Kim H. Exercise and/or dietary varieties and incidence of frailty in community-dwelling older women: A 2-year cohort study. J Nutr Health Aging. 23(5):425-430, 2019.
- Suzuki T, Kojima N, Osuka Y, Tokui Y, Takasugi S, Kawashima A, Yamaji T, Hosoi E, Won CW, Kim H. The effects of mold-fermented cheese on brain-derived neurotrophic factor in community-dwelling older Japanese women with mild cognitive impairment: a randomized, controlled, crossover trial. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 20(12):1509-1514.e2, 2019.
- Wakaba K, Sasai H, Nakata Y. Associations of objectively measured physical activity and sleep with weight loss maintenance: a preliminary study of Japanese adults. Behav Sci (Basel). 10(1):3, 2019.
- Osuka Y, Suzuki T, Kim M, Kojima N, Fujino K, Yoshida Y, Hirano H, Kim H. Association between exercise type and the decline in instrumental activities of daily living in community-dwelling older women: A 4-year prospective study. Prev Med. 112:23-30, 2018.
- Sasai H, Nakata Y, Murakami H, Kawakami R, Nakae S, Tanaka S, Ishikawa-Takata K, Yamada Y, Miyachi M. Simultaneous validation of seven physical activity questionnaires used in Japanese cohorts for estimating energy expenditure: a doubly labeled water study. J Epidemiol. 28(10):437-442, 2018.
- Tanaka K, Sasai H, Wakaba K, Murakami S, Ueda M, Yamagata F, Sawada M, Takekoshi K. Professional dietary coaching within a group chat using a smartphone application for weight loss: a randomized controlled trial. J Multidiscip Healthc. 11:339-347, 2018.
- Ueda K, Sasai H, Tsujimoto T, Sanbongi C, Ikegami S, Kobayashi H, Shioya N, Suzuki S, Nakata Y. Randomized trial of amino acid mixture combined with physical activity promotion for abdominal fat reduction in overweight adults. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 11:23-33, 2018.
- Kim M, Suzuki T, Kojima N, Yoshida H, Yoshida Y, Hirano H, Won CW, Kim H. Association between serum β2-microglobulin levels and prevalent and incident physical frailty in community-dwelling older women. J Am Geriatr Soc. 65(4):e83-e88, 2017.
- Kojima N, Kim M, Saito K, Yoshida Y, Hirano H, Obuchi S, Shimada H, Suzuki T, Kim H. Predictors of self-reported knee osteoarthritis in community-dwelling older women in Japan: A cross-sectional and longitudinal cohort study. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 73:125-132, 2017.
- Sasai H, Ueda K, Tsujimoto T, Kobayashi H, Sanbongi C, Ikegami S, Nakata Y. Dose-ranging pilot randomized trial of amino acid mixture combined with physical activity promotion for reducing abdominal fat in overweight adults. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 10:297-309, 2017.
- Kim H, Hirano H, Edahiro A, Ohara Y, Watanabe Y, Kojima N, Kim M, Hosoi E, Yoshida Y, Yoshida H, Shinkai S. Sarcopenia: Prevalence and associated factors based on different suggested definitions in community-dwelling older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 16(Supple 1):110-122, 2016.
- Kim H, Kim M, Kojima N, Fujino K, Hosoi E, Kobayashi H, Somekawa S, Niki Y, Yamashiro Y, Yoshida H. Exercise and nutritional supplementation on community-dwelling elderly Japanese women with sarcopenic obesity: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 17(11):1011-1019, 2016
- Kim H, Suzuki T, Saito K, Kojima N, Hosoi E, Yoshida H. Long-term effects of exercise and amino acid supplementation on muscle mass, physical function and falls in community-dwelling elderly Japanese sarcopenic women: A 4-year follow-up study. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 16(2):175-181, 2016.
- Kim H, Suzuki T, Kim M, Kojima N, Ota N, Shimotoyodome A, Hase T, Hosoi E, Yoshida H. Effects of exercise and milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) supplementation on body composition, physical function, and hematological parameters in community-dwelling frail Japanese women: A randomized double blind, placebo-controlled, follow-up trial. PLoS One, 10(2):e0116256, 2015.
- Kim H, Suzuki T, Kim M, Kojima N, Yoshida Y, Hirano H, Saito K, Iwasa H, Shimada H, Hosoi E, Yoshida H. Incidence and predictors of sarcopenia onset in community-dwelling elderly Japanese women: 4-year follow-up study. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 16(1):85.e1-85.e8, 2015.
- Kim H, Yoshida H, Hu X, Saito K, Yoshida Y, Kim M, Hirano H, Kojima N, Hosoi E, Suzuki T. Association between self-reported urinary incontinence and musculoskeletal conditions in community-dwelling elderly women: A cross-sectional study. Neurourol Urodyn. 34(4):322-326, 2015.
- Kim M, Sasai H, Kojima N, Kim H. Objectively measured night-to-night sleep variations are associated with body composition in very elderly women. J Sleep Res. 24(6):639-647, 2015.
- Kim M, Yoshida H, Sasai H, Kojima N, Kim H. Association between objectively measured sleep quality and physical function among community-dwelling oldest old Japanese: A cross-sectional study. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 15(8):1040-1048, 2015 .
- Kojima N, Kim M, Saito K, Yoshida H, Yoshida Y, Hirano H, Obuchi S, Shimada H, Suzuki T, Kim H. Lifestyle-related factors contributing to decline in knee extension strength among elderly women: A cross-sectional and longitudinal cohort study. PLoS One. 10(7):e0132523, 2015.
- Kwon J, Yoshida Y, Yoshida H, Kim H, Suzuki T, Lee Y. Effects of a combined physical training and nutrition intervention on physical performance and health-related quality of life in prefrail older women living in the community: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 16(3):263.e1-8, 2015.
- Sasai H, Brychta RJ, Wood RP, Rothney MP, Zhao X, Skarulis MC, Chen KY. Does visceral fat estimated by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry independently predict cardiometabolic risks in adults? J Diabetes Sci Technol. 9(4):917-24, 2015.
- Kim H, Yoshida H, Suzuki T. Falls and fractures in participants and excluded non-participants of a fall prevention exercise program for elderly women with a history of falls: 1-year follow-up study. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 14(2):285-292, 2014.
- Kojima N, Kim H, Saito K, Yoshida H, Yoshida Y, Hirano H, Obuchi S, Shimada H, Suzuki T. Association of knee-extension strength with instrumental activities of daily living in community-dwelling older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 14(3):674-80, 2014.
- Kim H, Suzuki T, Saito K, Yoshida H, Kojima N, Kim M, Sudo M, Yamashiro Y, Tokimitsu I. Effects of exercise and tea catechins on muscle mass, strength and walking ability in community-dwelling elderly Japanese sarcopenic women: A randomized controlled trial. Geriatr Gerontol Int 13(2):458-465, 2013.
- Kim H, Suzuki T, Saito K, Yoshida H, Kobayashi H, Kato H, Katayama M. Effects of exercise and amino-acid supplementation on body composition and physical function in community-dwelling Japanese sarcopenic women: A randomized controlled trial. J Am Geriatr Soc. 60(1):16-23, 2012.
- Kim H, Suzuki T, Yoshida H. The effects of multidimensional exercise on functional decline, urinary incontinence, and fear of falling in community-dwelling elderly women with multiple symptoms of geriatric syndrome: A randomized controlled and 6-month follow-up trial. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 52(1): 99-105, 2011.
- Kim H, Yoshida H, Suzuki T. The effects of exercise treatment with or without heat and steam generating sheet on urine loss in community-dwelling Japanese elderly women with urinary incontinence. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 11(4):452-459, 2011.
- Kim H, Yoshida H, Suzuki T. The effects of multidimensional exercise treatment on community-dwelling elderly Japanese women with stress, urge, and mixed urinary incontinence: A randomized controlled trial. Int J Nurs Stud. 48(10): 1165-1172, 2011.